Monday, January 08, 2007

Pay for rubbish

The idea is that rather than getting your rubbish picked up for free, your recycling is picked up instead. I'm all for this with one little proviso - our local council (lewisham) is less than stellar at it's recycling pickups.

8 flats share 3 recycling bins and the only pickups are when myself or the better half call up to complain about the lack of service - hardly the weekly pickup we were promised.

Though, part of the problem may be some of the neighbours who still haven't read the list of items that Lewisham take (not as big as you would think). I'm having to pull out about a bin-bag of rubbish a week, removing non-recyclable items.


At 11:24 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm a Lewisham resident too, but haven't had the same problems with recycling pickups you describe. But then I used to be a councillor and had responsibility for the Environment so know who to complain to on the occasions that things go wrong.

I helped introduce the weekly collection and the extension to the number of items that can be picked up (paper, cardboard, tins, glass and plastic bottles) so I'm a bit disappointed that your neighbours haven't understood the changes to the system - and applaud your efforts to make sure the recycling isn't contaminated. We did run a poster campaign and sent round leaflets to every household and put articles in Lewisham Life about the changes, but I guess its one of those things you've just got to keep repeating over and over.

On the wider point, like you, I think there's something to be said for "pay as you throw" and would recommend this paper on the subject if your interested in how other countries have found introducing similar systems.


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